- Water / Sewer
Application for Water / Sewer Service tolwaterappl.pdf
Instructions for Application tolwaterapplinstr.pdf
Water / Sewer Account Information tolwateracctinfo.pdf
Water / Sewer Rate Schedule (as of 2015) tolwaterratesched2015.pdf
- Sunset Hill Cemetery
Rules and Regulations tolsunsethill.pdf
Rates – see Fee Schedule below
Administration Fee Form tolcemeteryadminfee.pdf
- Other forms
Fee Schedule (as of 2016) tolfeesched2016.pdf
Employment Application tolemplappl.pdf
Yard Sale Permit TOLyardsalepermit.pdf
Pit Fire Permit TOLpitfirepermit.pdf
Leaves / Yard Debris Pickup Info tolleafpickupinfo.pdf
Code of Conduct for Town Meetings tolcodeofconduct.pdf
- Zoning permits
Zoning Map Littleton_Zoning_Map.pdf
Zoning Letter Zoning Letter
Zoning Permit Form Zoning Form
Every effort is made to provide information that is accurate. However, materials contained in this Website are subject to change at any time by appropriate action of the Town of Littleton. We give no assurance or warranty that information on this site is current, and take no responsibility for matters arising from changed circumstances or other information or material which may affect the accuracy or currency of information on this site. In the event that the information on the Town of Littleton’s official printed documents differs from the information contained on this site, the information on such printed documents shall control and take precedence. It is advised that you check with the Town Clerk to insure you have the latest information.

Sunset Hill Cemetery