(All links will open in a new browser window.)
- Halifax County Government: www.halifaxnc.com
- Littleton Library: www.halifaxnc.libguides.com/…
- Halifax County Schools: www.halifax.k12.nc.us
- Halifax County Board of Elections: www.halifaxnc.com/…
- Warren County Government: www.warrencountync.com
- North Carolina League of Municipalities: www.nclm.org/Pages/default.aspx
- Local Government Commission: www.nctreasurer.com/slg/Pages…
- NC School of Government: www.sog.unc.edu
- Upper Coastal Plain Council of Governments: www.ucpcog.org
- North Carolina Association of Municipal Clerks: www.ncamc.com
- Real Estate Records: Real Estate Records online
- Lake Gaston Gazette-Observer: www.lakegastongazette-observer.com
- Roanoke Rapids Daily Herald: www.rrdailyherald.com
- Warren Record: www.warrenrecord.com
- Raleigh News & Observer: www.newsobserver.com
- Lake Gaston Chamber of Commerce: www.lakegastonchamber.com
- Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce: www.rvchamber.com
- Visit NC: www.visitnc.com
- Littleton, NC Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Littleton,_North_Carolina
- Parent’s Guide to Fentanyl: Parent’s Guide to Fentanyl:
- Protecting Children from Online Drug Dealers: Protecting Children From Online Drug Dealers:
The Town of Littleton tries to maintain current information on this website, but we are not responsible for any material outside the townoflittleton-nc.us domain. Links to external organizations do not constitute endorsement of that organization by the town. Links may be added, changed, or removed at any time, with or without cause or warning.

Lakeside Lutheran Church makes repairs and upgrades at Town Hall